
Sifu Collin Lieberman
Director & Head Instructor
My name is Collin E. Lieberman, director of Centerline Martial Arts here in Ithaca. Centerline began as a small school in Connecticut in 2007. I taught a couple of classes each week, when I wasn't busy with my aerospace engineering job. When I moved to Ithaca in 2012, I began sharing the life-changing benefits of martial arts training with our community as a full-time venture. Now, I teach most days of the week, including classes in Jeet Kune Do, Kuntao Silat, Kali, Taijiquan (Tai Chi), Kickboxing and Kids Kung Fu.
Our classes are perfect for humans of all ages, shapes, orientations and experience levels. We always cater to beginners and provide appropriate challenges for all students. I'm proud to say that Centerline has become a place where folks come to find balance, strength, and personal growth in the Ithaca community. I’d love nothing more than for you to become a part of Centerline. That way you too can enrich your life, learn self-defense, and get in great shape too.
Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee's Way of The Intercepting Fist
As a teenager, I was deeply inspired by martial arts legend and founder of Jeet Kune Do (JKD), Bruce Lee. At age 18, I discovered a JKD school near my home and wouldn't stop talking to my parents about it. So they signed me up (and shut me up) as a birthday gift, and what a gift if was! Flash forward more than 20 years, and here I am as the "Sifu" of a thriving martial arts academy. I am honored to be a certified Senior Full Instructor in Bruce Lee's art (Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do) under Sifu Raffi Derderian.
Kuntao Silat - Sacred Energy Arts
I have been passionately training in this art for 10 years. Kuntao Silat is an Indo-Chinese martial art, influenced by Kung Fu, Tai chi, Bagua, Xhing I, and Silat. I have been carefully taught in the lineage of Kuntao Silat DeThouars and I am honored to have earned a Red Sash under Sifu Matthew Cohen, of Sacred Energy Arts in CA.
Tai Chi - Someday Farm Taijiquan
I have been studying Taijiquan for 20 years, and many of those years have been directly with world champion Stephen Watson. This inspiring art and education has laid the foundation for my core values: strength through balance, connection and awareness. I'm grateful to have found this art and this teacher - as they have improved every aspect of my life - physical, martial, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Variety is the essence of life!
Beyond my three core disciplines, I have cross trained in a handful of other arts and systems. I am honored to be an associate instructor in Filipino Kali under Sifu Raffi Derderian. I have also trained in Thai Boxing, Western Boxing, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The result of all this... a deep respect for those who undertake the journey of the martial artist - one of endless self discovery and self improvement.
An understanding of human movement and physical training goes hand-in-hand with the journey of the martial artist. I was an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist from 2012-2016, and I have experience with Kettlebells, Original Strength, CrossFit, Pilates, Forrest Yoga, and Qi Gong. This foundation of knowledge and experience allowed me to develop the Centerline Kung Fu Strength and Kickboxing programs.​

Laura Thomas
Manager, Instructor, Gowlin
Laura is one of our most experienced and exciting instructors! She teaches Kickboxing, Kids Kung Fu, Jeet Kune Do and Little Dragons at Centerline. While Laura primarily practices Silat, Jeet Kune Do, and Kickboxing, she also trains in Muay Thai, dabbles in BJJ, and loves to find opportunities to train whenever she travels. A former High School Spanish teacher and Cheerleading coach, Laura loves to motivate her students and is passionate about helping people to feel good in their bodies. Laura is available for Private Coaching in Kickboxing, JKD Foundations, and Kids Kung Fu.

Patrick Wilshire
Jeet Kune Do Sisook
Patrick trained for many years in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Ving Tsun before coming to Centerline in 2015. He is an assistant instructor in our Jeet Kune Do program. Patrick also studies Kali and Silat.

Izzy Herold
Kickboxing Coach, Sija
Izzy started training at Centerline in 2018. Since then she has become a fitness & kickboxing coach, as well as an assistant instructor in the Kids Kung Fu program. Izzy primarily studies Kuntao Silat and Jeet Kune Do. She has spent time exploring kickboxing, Muay Thai, Qigong and BJJ, which has had a significantly positive impact on Izzy’s life. She strives to share that positive empowerment whenever, wherever, and however possible. Izzy also enjoys painting, playing with dogs, and baking!

Mike Blegen
Jeet Kune Do Sisook
Mike has studied primarily Chinese martial arts, including Northern Shaolin Longfist, Wushu, Ba Gua, and Tai Chi. He started training at Centerline in 2016 and is an assistant instructor in our Jeet Kune Do program.

Ashley Ickes
Kickboxing Coach, Kids Assistant
Ashley is a high-energy kickboxing coach, as well as a Little Dragons instructor and a Kids Kung Fu assistant. She has honed her craft as a professional instructor for over a decade - working with children and teaching drum lessons! You can find her playing shows many nights of the week as one of the most prolific drummers in Ithaca!

Christian Przygocki
Kuntao Silat Assistant
Christian started at Centerline in 2017. He holds a previous instructor rank in Filipino Kali. He has also had training in various arts including JKD, Western boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Qi gong and meditation.

Shikhar Bajracharya
Jeet Kune Do Sihing
Shikhar began training at Centerline in 2016. He holds a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan Karate, 3rd degree brown belt in Shinto-Ryu Karate, and 6th kyu in Toyama Ryu Battodo. He has since continued training in Jeet Kune Do, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Silat, and Boxing.

Luigi Guzzon
Jeet Kune Do Sisook
Luigi joined Centerline in 2016 when he started training in JKD. He has studied and practiced Wushu Nan quan [black sash first rank (1st Duan)], Chang quan, Tai Chi, QiGong, Sanda, Muay Thai, and Kickboxing.

Kathy Henion
Kickboxing Coach
Kathy came to Centerline in 2016 as a mother of one of our Kids Kung Fu students. She decided to take advantage of our kickboxing classes, and loved it so much she decided to get certified as an instructor. Kathy also has training in boxing, Muay Thai, Push Hands, and other movement arts including dance, group fitness, yoga, and Pilates.

Gabbie Smith
Kickboxing Coach & Kids Assistant
Gabbie’s first introduction to jabs and kicks was in HS, following along to Billy Blank’s Tae Bo VHS tapes. Fast forward some decades when she happened upon Kickboxing at Centerline in 2019, and fell in love with the supportive community and how the classes bring together various martial arts and fitness techniques for a fun and invigorating workout. Gabbie is passionate about creating uplifting environments where all learn and grow stronger alongside each other, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to do so as a kickboxing instructor at Centerline.